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Danceworks Blog

All About the Dance by Jacqui Lefebvre

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Head shot

Jacqui Lefebvre, Danceworks Faculty/Lead Ballroom Teacher

I have been a dance teacher for many years and a dance student for most of my life. I had always believed that it was “all about the dance.” As long as I could dance, everything would be OK.

My decision to turn pro and teach came solely from a financial standpoint. I knew I had to dance but simply could not afford the lessons! At that time, the only studios teaching Ballroom and Latin were Fred Astaire and Arthur Murray, and both were hugely expensive! I accepted a job at Arthur Murray in Appleton and have never looked back! Teaching was a revelation to me; I couldn’t believe that I could care so much more about someone else’s dancing than my own!



Students from Roosevelt Elementary

Students from Roosevelt Elementary

Moving to Milwaukee and finding Danceworks was like coming home. A family I never knew I had. Mad Hot Ballroom and Tap has changed my life. It is the missing piece of the puzzle. These children are awe inspiring. I love getting to know them, discovering their quirks and habits, watching them grow and develop skills far beyond learning the dance steps

There so many wonderful and heartfelt stories I could share–like the young man who on lesson 3 told me, “I hate dancing and I hate you!” He sat out of lesson 4, but before lesson 5 started, he apologized and asked me if he could have another chance. He promised that he would not misbehave anymore, and from that moment, he completely changed his attitude. I saw him making good choices at every lesson, like helping students that could not get the steps or encouraging the others to behave. This boy went on to be an all-star for his school!

Then there is the sad tale of a young lady who would not take her coat off because wearing it made her feel safe. I dread to think of the misfortune that perpetuated this action. Her classroom teacher explained, “She wears her coat all the time.”




Students practicing their entrance and exit!

Imagine my surprise and delight when about half way into the program, I noticed that this young lady was not wearing her coat! Our wonderful Mad Hot lessons had become a safe place for this beautiful girl.

Another young man–slightly pudgy, very smart but a little awkward! Of course, the girls didn’t want to dance with him because he wasn’t “cool.” Well, guess what? Turns out this kid was a fantastic dancer! WAY better than the supposed “cool” boys. A few weeks in, and the girls were fighting over him! He gained confidence, social skills and “street cred!” All thanks to MHBT.

About halfway through our lessons, I make a point of asking all my classes, “Who has found that this is way more fun than you thought it was going to be?” Always a resounding positive response! I also ask them to tell me some good and bad things about their lessons. Of course, the bad is always, “We have to dance with a boy/girl”!  Some of the positive answers are great like, “We get to learn cool dances,” or “We are learning to work with people we don’t usually work with,” and “I never knew I could dance before!” My personal favorite was, “When I dance the Samba I feel like I’m in Africa!!”


Goofy Golda kids!

Goofy Golda kid

I could go on and on. I am so passionate about Mad Hot Ballroom and Tap because it changes lives. As I said, I had always believed that it was “all about the dance,” but now I know better. I learn so much more from these kids than they do from me. They are strong, brave, smart and funny. These wonderful young people restore my faith in human nature! Teaching for Danceworks and Mad Hot Ballroom and Tap fills a void in my life and a place in my heart.

About Our Blog

Welcome to the Danceworks blog, where we're hoping to share a little bit more about the heart and soul behind Danceworks… what made us join the dance and keeps us dancing, what keeps us inspired, and where we can share some of the stories worth telling.